Equipment and home modifications

Staying in your own home is now more achievable than ever thanks to the constantly expanding range of equipment and assistive technologies, designed to make your home safer and easier to live in.

Our expert staff can assess your home and suggest ways to make it safer and more compatible to your needs. You might require items such as grab rails in the bathroom for added safety, or a ramp to make accessing your home easier.

Personal devices

There are devices that can make everyday tasks simpler and modifications available designed to help you access all areas of your house more easily, whether using a vehicle or through the use of walkers, canes or frames.

Personal alerts are also available if you need assistance or are unable to get to the telephone.

Country Health Connect employs qualified occupational therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and dietitians who are able to guide you on the equipment and appliances available to you. They can assist you in selecting the best equipment and appliances to meet your individual needs.

A safe approach

Our staff can assist you to develop a safe approach to remaining in your own home. After learning about your goals and lifestyle, and conducting a full home safety assessment, we will send you a recommendation suggesting the most appropriate types of modifications, equipment and exercises for you to consider.

You can arrange an in-home assessment and ensure you receive a competitive fee for service no matter what your age.

The cost of health care can be challenging, but you may be eligible for a subsidy or rebate to assist you with the purchase or installation of in-home equipment or minor modifications.

For more information about your options please call our friendly team on 1800 944 912.

Call us today: 1800 944 912

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